Happy New Year – Yoga for 2020 from Anji Rox Yoga

Happy New Year Beautiful People!

Here is what’s coming up for an exciting year of Yoga and Retreats for 2020 at AnjiRox Yoga

Weekly class starts 8 Jan 2020
Weds 7-8pm Yoga for All – limited places
Sat 11 Jan Beginners/Refreshers Workshop 2-4pm- 8  spaces available
Sun 26 Jan January Retreat £28 10.45 -1.30-  limited spaces
Sat 29 Feb Deep Relaxation 2-4 £25 12 places
Sat 21 March Deep Relaxation 2-4 £25 12 places

Yoga for Peace Dance once a month, Hatha yoga, in a circle mandala-  this will work towards  a Yoga Peace Mandala for World Peace day 2020.  Dates to be announced starting in February 2020

Yoga weekends and holidays

16-18 Oct 2020 Autumn Weekend Yoga Retreat in N Yorks 12 places
We are returning to Cober Hill after a fantastic  Retreat  in July, 2019 in Oct 2020 for an Autumn Retreat.  All meals, yoga and accommodation included. I will be offering an early bird discount, and flexible payment options in for bookings placed in January and february. Places will be limited to 12 students



Women’s Yoga, and Walking weekends
After a wonderful  women’s welbeing weekend camp in Edale, I have been invited to teach yoga by the inspiring Bev England of Paths2Peaks.
I will also be teaching yoga in partnership with  Katie Sayles Yoga ( one of our student’s who now has moved to Sheffield and teaches yoga)  Women’s Wellbeing walking and yoga  weekends in June 2020,  and Sept 2020 dates to be announced.

All classes unless otherwise  stated  are at the Venue: Intake Healthy Living Centre, Sandringham rd, Intake, Dn2 6ja

Advanced booking essential go to www.anjiroxyoga.co.uk and click on book a class or workshop

Can’t wait to see you on the mat in 2020, love Anjix